Low speed electric vehicles will really usher in the golden period of development

Low speed electric vehicles will really usher in the golden period of development

Rapid development momentum

  Low speed electric vehicles, that is, the common "elderly scooters" on the road, are upgraded from electric bicycles and electric tricycles. They are four-wheel vehicles with a speed of less than 70 kilometers per hour and pure electric power. Due to its light weight, practicality and low price, low-speed electric vehicles are widely popular in third and fourth tier cities and rural areas.


  Unlike new energy vehicles with official national licenses and policy subsidies, low-speed electric vehicles have long been outside the policy, and have neither legal status nor relevant standards. However, in such a difficult environment, the development momentum of low-speed electric vehicles has not decreased, and production and sales are booming.


Gradually liberalize license plates and right of way

  With the popularity of the market, the difficulties of low-speed electric vehicles in licensing and on the road are also gradually alleviated. Some local public security departments have begun to establish a legal registration and licensing system for low-speed electric vehicles.

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