Brand evolution theory of the development of Chinas tricycle industry

  In recent years, China's tricycle industry has developed rapidly and achieved remarkable results, largely thanks to the cost advantage and demographic dividend. However, as China's economy fully enters the new normal, the core factors such as population, resources and market begin to change significantly, and enterprises are carrying out an extremely difficult transformation and breakthrough war, bearing unprecedented pressure.


  When the low-cost large-scale production mode entered the dilemma, the 18th CPC National Congress put forward the development idea from "made in China" to "made in China", requiring to comprehensively promote the transformation of traditional technology, improve the technical level and core competitiveness of the industry, and strive to improve the level of "made in China". This is actually a differentiated path in the process of enterprise brand growth. Through the layout of the upstream, carry out scientific and technological innovation, master the core technology in the way of improving the technical level and R & D ability, and promote the brand growth with the core competitiveness of the enterprise.


  As a result, a large number of domestic tricycle enterprises began to put technology research and development first, establish their own brand service and marketing system, export new products with more advanced technology, higher quality, better design and more exquisite workmanship to the market, and regain the trust and favor of consumers.

  In fact, among many similar products in the era of surplus economy, consumers always pursue and choose products with technical content. Therefore, enterprises with core competitiveness of products will eventually win the recognition of consumers, so as to quickly occupy the market, which is the goal that many tricycle enterprises have been pursuing. Huawei entered the smart phone industry in just a few years, but it has sprung up. Now it has become the third largest smart phone manufacturer in the world. Such a strong development momentum depends on the strong and continuous R & D and innovation ability of enterprises. Most enterprises still have a long way to go to become Huawei in the tricycle industry.


  From "manufacturing" to "intelligent manufacturing", this is not only the transformation and upgrading at the technical level, but also lays a solid foundation for the brand growth and evolution of tricycle enterprises. During the market blowout period in the past few years, many enterprises abandoned the large-scale production of R & D strength, which is an important factor for their rapid growth. Now it is the new normal. China's tricycle industry characterized by innovation driven is bursting out a strong force, Continuously promote the continuous growth of the brand.


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