Tricycle school bus not just a dream

  At present, the number of students in China is 180 million, and the annual demand for school buses is 50000. However, according to the current situation, this data can only stay on paper for a long time, because the development of school bus is facing several bottlenecks.

  First, capital. At present, many regions are on the sidelines. If the funds are not in place, the policies may not be implemented. In the first quarter of this year, the sales situation of school buses in Guangdong and Henan was good, which was related to the rapid availability of funds.

  Second, responsibility. If the regulations are fully implemented, the government and schools, especially schools, should bear corresponding responsibilities. For them, students can supervise them within 8 hours of school, while they have to bear supervision responsibilities in other times, which is risky and under great pressure. Therefore, many schools will try to avoid buying school buses.

  It is true that some tricycle accidents are mainly caused by the non-standard safety factor of the vehicle itself and the non-standard behavior of the drivers. However, if the functional departments can strengthen supervision, vigorously investigate the tricycles with major safety hazards, and publicize, educate, supervise and deal with the drivers, the frequency of accidents will be greatly reduced. On this basis, let the qualified and legal tricycles enter the field of school buses. In this way, compared with the high cost of standard school bus, the cheap and convenient "three wheeled school bus" is more easily accepted by schools with poor economic conditions, and the school bus problem can be properly solved for children. Why not benefit from multiple benefits?

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