Academician suggests new energy policy

  "Electric vehicles should consider absolute power consumption, or absolute carbon dioxide emissions, and consider how electric vehicles can save energy and reduce emissions from this direction, so as to formulate a more favorable policy direction for energy conservation and emission reduction." Recently, in China's new energy vehicle policy academic salon forum in the third quarter, Yang Yusheng, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, believes that should not be used "tons of electricity consumption of 100 kilometers", but should limit how much electricity consumption of 100 kilometers, with this indicator may be more conducive to promoting the realization of energy conservation and emission reduction goals.


  Recently, the online spread of the central new energy vehicle subsidy program discussion draft, which pure electric passenger car subsidy standards for the first time to introduce "ton 100 kilometers of electricity consumption", requiring that the ton 100 kilometers of electricity consumption not more than 13 KWH, in the industry caused great controversy. It is understood that the calculation formula for 100 km power consumption/vehicle weight. Mr Yang said the contribution of cars to co2 emissions should be measured in terms of the vehicle's life cycle. If it is measured according to the power consumption of 100 kilometers per ton, the higher the tonnage, the greater the advantage must be, the more conducive to its development, the carbon dioxide emissions of these models is increased. Therefore, it is inappropriate to formulate such indicators, and the direction is wrong. It is to encourage the development of large cars and luxury cars, rather than encouraging the development of energy-saving and emission reduction models.

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