How can we play in the domestic tricycle market competition

  Rising prices of raw materials, repeated epidemics, stricter supervision and shrinking channels... Under the influence of many adverse factors, the first half of the year for a large number of domestic tricycle enterprises was not easy. Brand promotion, price reduction and promotion, policy rebate, car purchase and gift giving... All kinds of means take turns to fight, which is dazzling. They only want to be one step faster and better in terminal sales. However, from the actual effect, most of the pay is not in direct proportion to the return. On the contrary, it will also lead to "breaking muscles and bones" of the enterprise. The peak season of "golden nine and silver ten" has come. Facing the white hot market situation and increasingly picky consumers, we can't help asking: what new ways can we play in market competition?


  When it comes to market competition, "price war" is an inextricable topic. Since the birth of the industry, it has been accompanied by the development of enterprises and markets. Whenever an enterprise wants to quickly increase sales, expand brand influence and take the initiative in the market in the short term, the first method it thinks of is "price war". This is a simple and effective method, and it is also a tried and true method for small and medium-sized enterprises to challenge the head enterprises. Under the severe market situation in the first half of this year, in the next peak season, the leading enterprises will lower their posture, squeeze the profit space, and take more proactive measures to reduce prices. The purpose is to crack down on enterprises without qualification, brand and product advantages and erode the market share of small and medium-sized enterprises. This will be the main theme of market competition in the second half of the year, and small and medium-sized enterprises will face a more harsh living environment.


  Playing "technology card" will also be another trend. The foundation of an enterprise is always in technology. We also see that almost all the leading tricycle enterprises in China have their own famous signboard technology, which not only brings attention to the traffic, but also effectively promotes the sales volume. Many enterprises regard price as an important means of competition. However, it is worth noting that the innovative technologies advocated by a large number of enterprises are actually gimmicks of "changing soup without changing medicine", which are just imitation and plagiarism for one more selling point. In essence, they are not reflected in the products. What's more, they use the way of "touching porcelain" head enterprises to copy each other's technology, deceive some consumers who do not know the truth and disrupt the normal market order.

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